You Should Smile More!
That’s a great sentiment when it’s not coming out of the mouth of that sexist rando that hangs out on your street corner and hollers at women. EVERYONE should smile more because it puts you in a good mood. It’s the universal sign of welcome.
Some of us try not to smile too much; self-conscious about our crooked teeth or the unsightly braces that make it difficult to eat and speak. In a perfect world, we’d have something that was undetectable and painless, yet efficient and fast. Looks like the world is getting a little closer to perfect because Invisalign is here to save the day! With a brilliant name that does exactly what it says, Invisalign will help straighten your teeth while being virtually undetectable. There is minimal discomfort. There will be a teething period (see what we did there?) but you’ll get used to them in no time.
So, how does it work? The Orthodontist takes a 3D image of your teeth. Where the teeth are and where they need to be. The key ‘problem teeth’ are marked. 'Aligners’ are glued to the teeth that are out of alignment. Every dentist’s visit a new scan is taken to check progress. The teeth gradually change position to give you the perfect smile.
The cost is slightly higher than regular braces. Depending on how many aligners you need, it can cost anywhere between $3,500 to $8,000. Most Dental Insurance covers Invisaligns just as they cover regular braces. Your orthodontist can create a payment plan that works for you.
Invisalign is removable so that when you brush your teeth, you can really get in there and make sure your teeth are squeaky clean. Regular braces are notorious for getting bits of food stuck in your teeth that can’t be cleaned no matter what you do. You know what that leads to; bad breath!
Your Invisalign ideally needs to be worn for up to 22 hours a day. So, every minute you aren’t eating, you should have them on. The more you wear them, the shorter the amount of time you’ll need them for.
So, what are you waiting for? Find an Invisalign dentist in your area and book a consultation. Get your perfect smile!
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