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How to Consistently Strike Gold as a Marketing Content Writer

How to Consistently Strike Gold as a Marketing Content Writer

I’m sure you’ve heard the term ‘Marketing Content Writer’ thrown around a lot. They’re making the big bucks and you want in on the game. So, let’s talk about what makes a great Marketing Content Writer. But first, what even is a Content Writer?

What Does a Content Writer do?

Well, the name is pretty descriptive. They write Content. Content can be any information that an audience would be interested in. Every time you do a google search and a plethora of pages show up in the results? Some Content Writer has written all that information for you to peruse. Content writing can take many forms; Blogs, Articles, Social Media Posts, White Pages, Web Pages, Audio and Video recordings, et al.

A Marketing Content Writer is simply someone selling their content to third parties for money. Which brings us to the question we’ve all been waiting for

How much does a Marketing Content Writer Make?

Depending on experience, a marketing content writer’s salary can be anywhere from $34K to $71K annually. Like a fine wine, your worth will only increase with age and experience, that is very good to know.